Amounts of conjugate linoleic acid (ALC) in lacteal foods in Chile
Amounts of conjugate linoleic acid (ALC) in lacteal foods in Chile
Avilez Ruíz, Juan Pablo
Vilches, Carolina Isabel
Alonzo, Marcelo Wladimir
Vilches, Carolina Isabel
Alonzo, Marcelo Wladimir
Datos de publicación:
ALC - Ácido linoléico conjugado - Productos lácteos
The amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (ALC) - Isomers: cis-9, trans-11, trans-10, cis-12 and cis-10, cis-12- were measured in a milk tank of the NESTLE Company and of diary food in Chile and were analyzed through gas chromatography. The ALC was found higher (p <0.05) in samples taken in the city of Osorno compared to milk of the city of Los Angeles. The highest value was found during spring in Osorno (1,72 g/100 g), while the lowest value (0,415 g/100 g) was found in winter in Los Angeles. The average amount of ALC in milk powder and con-densed milk was of 1,967 and 1,493 g/100 g, respectively, during 2004. Butter, cheese and cream had respectively an average of 1,502, 0,883 and 1,900 g/100 g. In conclusion, the diary products analyzed have a high value of ALC in Chile.