Entre el aislamiento y las brechas digitales: sistematización de experiencia de acompañamiento socioemocional en personas mayores de Temuco, Chile, en tiempos de COVID-19
Entre el aislamiento y las brechas digitales: sistematización de experiencia de acompañamiento socioemocional en personas mayores de Temuco, Chile, en tiempos de COVID-19
Aedo Neira, Germanicia
Datos de publicación:
Acompañamiento socioemocional - COVID-19 - Brechas digitales - Aislamiento - Personas mayores
Este artículo sobre sistematización de experiencia presenta el trabajo realizado dentro
del proyecto de acompañamiento socioemocional, desarrollado durante el año 2020 en el
contexto del COVID-19 que afectó mayoritariamente a las personas mayores, el cual da
cuenta de cómo el aislamiento y las brechas digitales juegan un papel fundamental en la
salud física y mental de las personas. Uno de los cuestionamientos principales es: ¿Cómo el aislamiento y las brechas
digitales afectaron la salud mental de las personas mayores en tiempos de pandemia? Para
responder a esta interrogante se realizó una investigación cuantitativa, por medio de
técnicas como entrevistas, encuestas, registros escritos, talleres, revisión de artículos y
seminario. Los resultados se ven reflejados por medio de llamadas telefónicas realizadas por un
grupo de estudiantes en práctica a las personas mayores que participaron en el proyecto,
encontrando aquí los efectos negativos que produjo el aislamiento en su diario vivir y las
dificultades encontradas por ellos mismos al no saber manejar los medios digitales para
poder comunicarse con sus familiares y amigos
This article on systematization of experience shows the work carried out within the socio-emotional accompaniment project developed during 2020 in the context of COVID-19, in which elderly people were mainly affected. It shows how isolation and digital gaps play a fundamental role in people's physical and mental health. One of the main questions is: How did isolation and digital gaps affect the mental health of elderly people in times of pandemic? To answer this question, a quantitative research was carried out through techniques such as interviews, surveys, written records, workshops, article review and seminars. The results are reflected by means of telephone calls made by a group of students in practice to the elderly people who participated in the project, and which revealed the negative effects that isolation produced in their daily lives and the difficulties encountered by them because they do not know how to handle digital media to be able to communicate with family and friends.
This article on systematization of experience shows the work carried out within the socio-emotional accompaniment project developed during 2020 in the context of COVID-19, in which elderly people were mainly affected. It shows how isolation and digital gaps play a fundamental role in people's physical and mental health. One of the main questions is: How did isolation and digital gaps affect the mental health of elderly people in times of pandemic? To answer this question, a quantitative research was carried out through techniques such as interviews, surveys, written records, workshops, article review and seminars. The results are reflected by means of telephone calls made by a group of students in practice to the elderly people who participated in the project, and which revealed the negative effects that isolation produced in their daily lives and the difficulties encountered by them because they do not know how to handle digital media to be able to communicate with family and friends.