Producción de pan de abejas (Apis mellifera L.) bajo condiciones de laboratorio
Producción de pan de abejas (Apis mellifera L.) bajo condiciones de laboratorio
Araneda Durán, Ximena
Velásquez, Carmen
Minerva Morales Ulloa, Daniza
Martínez Gutierrez, Isabel
Velásquez, Carmen
Minerva Morales Ulloa, Daniza
Martínez Gutierrez, Isabel
Datos de publicación:
Idesia, Vol. 32, N° 4, 63-69, 2014
Fermentación - Ácido láctico - Polen
El objetivo de este trabajo fue fabricar pan de abejas bajo condiciones de laboratorio a partir de sus ingredientes constitutivos por medio de procesos fermentativos evaluando sus características bromatológicas. Para ello se extrajo pan de abejas como inóculo desde panales de Apis mellifera para la fermentación del polen con miel. El ensayo estuvo constituido por seis tratamientos con tres repeticiones cada uno. Los tratamientos fueron: T0: polen sin inóculo, T1: pan de abejas natural, polen + 5% de inóculo, T3: polen + 10% de inóculo, T4: polen + 15% de inóculo, T5: polen + 20% de inóculo. Cada tratamiento fue colocado en frascos estériles con polen, inóculo y una capa de miel. En las evaluaciones se midió la cantidad de ácido láctico, pH, acidez, MS, ceniza y proteína cruda. El contenido de ácido láctico al final de la evaluación fue menor en el tratamiento T1 con un promedio de 0,22%, mientras que T0 obtuvo el valor más alto de ácido con 0,47%. En cuanto al pH, todos los tratamientos tendieron a acidificarse con el tiempo, siendo el que obtuvo el valor más bajo (3,83). El porcentaje de acidez aumentó cerca de un punto para todos los tratamientos, principalmente T5, siendo el más similar al pan de abejas natural en la última medición, con 4,83% de acidez. Los valores de MS en general disminuyeron entre 1% y 5%, y la cantidad de cenizas obtuvo bajos valores, pero similares a lo citado en la literatura, mientras que los contenidos de proteína cruda de todas las muestras analizadas fueron buenos, con valores sobre el 20%. Por lo tanto, es factible elaborar pan de abejas en laboratorio, pero es necesario conocer las proporciones y características de elementos que las abejas adicionan a este, para una correcta formulación del producto.
The aim of this study was to make bread of bees under laboratory conditions from its constituent ingredients through fermentation processes assessing their qualitative characteristics. This bee bread as inoculum extracted from combs of Apis mellifera for fermentation of pollen and honey. The test consisted of six treatments with three replicates. The treatments were: T0: pollen without inoculum, T1: natural bee bread, T2: pollen + 5% inoculum, T3: pollen + 10% inoculum, T4: pollen + 15% inoculum, T5: pollen + 20% inoculum. Each treatment was placed in sterile flasks with pollen, inoculum and a layer of honey. Evaluations the amount of lactic acid, pH, acidity, MS, ash and crude protein was measured. The content of lactic acid at the end of the evaluation was lower in the treatment Ti with an average of 0.22%, while To obtained the highest value of 0.47% acid. As the pH all treatments tended to be acidified with time, being T0 which had the lowest value (3.83). The percentage of increased acidity near a point for all treatments, mainly T5 being the most similar to natural bee bread in the last measurement with 4.83% acidity. MS values generally fell between 1% and 5%, and the amount of ash obtained low values, but similar to the literature cited above, while the crude protein content of all samples were good, with values about 20%. Therefore, it is feasible to make bread bee lab, but you must know the proportions and characteristics of elements that bees added to it, for a correct formulation of the product.
The aim of this study was to make bread of bees under laboratory conditions from its constituent ingredients through fermentation processes assessing their qualitative characteristics. This bee bread as inoculum extracted from combs of Apis mellifera for fermentation of pollen and honey. The test consisted of six treatments with three replicates. The treatments were: T0: pollen without inoculum, T1: natural bee bread, T2: pollen + 5% inoculum, T3: pollen + 10% inoculum, T4: pollen + 15% inoculum, T5: pollen + 20% inoculum. Each treatment was placed in sterile flasks with pollen, inoculum and a layer of honey. Evaluations the amount of lactic acid, pH, acidity, MS, ash and crude protein was measured. The content of lactic acid at the end of the evaluation was lower in the treatment Ti with an average of 0.22%, while To obtained the highest value of 0.47% acid. As the pH all treatments tended to be acidified with time, being T0 which had the lowest value (3.83). The percentage of increased acidity near a point for all treatments, mainly T5 being the most similar to natural bee bread in the last measurement with 4.83% acidity. MS values generally fell between 1% and 5%, and the amount of ash obtained low values, but similar to the literature cited above, while the crude protein content of all samples were good, with values about 20%. Therefore, it is feasible to make bread bee lab, but you must know the proportions and characteristics of elements that bees added to it, for a correct formulation of the product.