La política de la reforma policial en Uruguay 2010-2020
La política de la reforma policial en Uruguay 2010-2020
Milanesi, Alejandro
Datos de publicación:
Reformas - Policía - Uruguay - Process-tracing
Una preocupación de los estudios de administración pública ha sido comprender qué factores desencadenan y explican procesos de reforma. Este artículo se enfoca en analizar los mecanismos detrás de la aplicación de una reforma del aparato policial en Uruguay. Este caso presenta dos aspectos rele-vantes para la teoría y el análisis empírico. En primer lugar, se trata de un caso con elementos contraintuitivos. Una organización con un esquema de funcio-namiento fuertemente tradicional y una cultura administrativa jerárquica, que, sin embargo, procesó una serie importante de reformas de mejora del desem-peño. En segundo lugar, la investigación intenta comprender “la política de las reformas administrativas” a partir del análisis de la relación entre factores estructurales y de agencia que dan lugar a un determinado resultado político. Para ello se utiliza el marco metodológico del process-tracing y su adaptación en tres niveles de análisis de mecanismos causales
One important concern in public administration studies is to understand what factors trigger and explain reform processes. This article focuses on analyzing the mechanisms behind the application of police reform in Uruguay. This case presents two important aspects for theory and empirical analysis. First, it is a case with counterintuitive elements. An organization with a strongly traditional operating practices and a hierarchical administrative culture, which nonetheless underwent a significant series of reforms to improve its performance. Second, the work attempts to understand “the politics of administrative reforms” from an analysis of the relationship between structural and agency factors that give rise to a certain political result. The methodological framework of process-tracing, and its adaptation in three levels of analysis of causal mechanisms, was used to achieve the research objects.
One important concern in public administration studies is to understand what factors trigger and explain reform processes. This article focuses on analyzing the mechanisms behind the application of police reform in Uruguay. This case presents two important aspects for theory and empirical analysis. First, it is a case with counterintuitive elements. An organization with a strongly traditional operating practices and a hierarchical administrative culture, which nonetheless underwent a significant series of reforms to improve its performance. Second, the work attempts to understand “the politics of administrative reforms” from an analysis of the relationship between structural and agency factors that give rise to a certain political result. The methodological framework of process-tracing, and its adaptation in three levels of analysis of causal mechanisms, was used to achieve the research objects.