El giro creativo en el trabajo contemporáneo: una mirada crítica desde las condiciones laborales del campo cultural de Santiago de Chile
El giro creativo en el trabajo contemporáneo: una mirada crítica desde las condiciones laborales del campo cultural de Santiago de Chile
Pinochet Cobos, Carla
Tobar Tapia, Constanza
Tobar Tapia, Constanza
Datos de publicación:
Cultura, Hombre, Sociedad (CUHSO), Vol.31, N°1, 356-390, 2021
Trabajo artístico - Creatividad - Capitalismo flexible - Precariedad
Este artículo explora los fundamentos del giro creativo en el trabajo contemporáneo, analizando las razones que han ido posicionando a los productores culturales —trabajadores de los mundos del arte, los sectores creati-vos y el campo intelectual— como referentes para otros sectores productivos, en el marco de las transformaciones del capitalismo flexible. Como contraparte de estos discursos celebratorios, y en base a una estrategia metodológica cualitativa que permitió registrar las prácticas y discursos del medio creativo de Santiago de Chile, ahondaremos en el reverso del modo de vida artístico: las precarias condiciones laborales y los invisibilizados costos subjetivos que enfrentan quienes se desenvuelven en dichas escenas. En base a este levantamiento empírico, este texto busca contribuir a la comprensión de los procesos de construcción de subjetividad en el capitalismo tardío, examinando las sin-gularidades de un tipo de actividad que encierra una paradoja: a la vez que se convierte en un modelo laboral de exportación hacia otros dominios, su condición productiva —esto es, en su valoración en tanto trabajo— es desconocida en diversos sentidos y niveles.
This article explores the foundations of the creative turn in contem-porary work, analysing the reasons that have made cultural producers - workers in the art world, the creative sectors and the intellectual field - gain po-sition as model for other productive sectors, within the framework of flexible capitalism transformations. As a counterpart to these celebratory discourses, and based on a qualitative methodological strategy that allowed us to register the practices and discourses of the creative milieu of Santiago de Chile, we will delve into the reverse side of the artistic lifestyle: the precarious working conditions and the invisible subjective costs faced by those who work in these scenes. Based on this empirical survey, this text seeks to contribute to the un-derstanding of the processes of construction of subjectivity in late capitalism. It examines the singularities of a type of activity that contains a paradox: while it becomes a labor model to export to other domains, its productive conditions – its valuation as work – is unknown in various senses and levels.
This article explores the foundations of the creative turn in contem-porary work, analysing the reasons that have made cultural producers - workers in the art world, the creative sectors and the intellectual field - gain po-sition as model for other productive sectors, within the framework of flexible capitalism transformations. As a counterpart to these celebratory discourses, and based on a qualitative methodological strategy that allowed us to register the practices and discourses of the creative milieu of Santiago de Chile, we will delve into the reverse side of the artistic lifestyle: the precarious working conditions and the invisible subjective costs faced by those who work in these scenes. Based on this empirical survey, this text seeks to contribute to the un-derstanding of the processes of construction of subjectivity in late capitalism. It examines the singularities of a type of activity that contains a paradox: while it becomes a labor model to export to other domains, its productive conditions – its valuation as work – is unknown in various senses and levels.