Control y resistencia en la organización del proceso de trabajo académico en Chile. Explotación con base en el prestigio
Control y resistencia en la organización del proceso de trabajo académico en Chile. Explotación con base en el prestigio
Arancibia Bustos, Álvaro
Datos de publicación:
En Chile, el aumento explosivo de la matrícula universitaria desde los años 90 en adelante ha transformado el mercado laboral académico, refleján-dose en la cantidad de instituciones de educación superior en funcionamiento desde aquella época, así como la diversificación de la oferta de matrícula en términos disciplinares. Debido a lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo dar cuenta de la organización del proceso de trabajo académico en Chile. Para lo anterior, se recurrió a la producción y análisis de 16 entrevistas semiestructuradas en académicos y académicas de la Región Metropolitana. Los resultados muestran: (1) la presencia de una organización del trabajo especializada y jerarquizada que tiende a separar ejecución de planificación, (2) el carácter “trans-institucional” de la docencia en posiciones de poca estabilidad contractual, (3) una estructura de control encabezada por una masculinidad en posición de alta jerarquía, prestigio académico y estabilidad laboral, (4) la publicación de artículos científicos y la “moral del esfuerzo” como mecanismos disciplinantes de la fuerza de trabajo, y (5) en términos de resistencia, un malestar y queja individual en las posiciones subordinadas que son acompañadas por una débil organización colectiva (gremial-sindical). De forma transversal, es posible observar que el prestigio académico acumulado es el determinante en la obtención de posiciones de alta jerarquía en la organización del proceso de trabajo académico; estructurando una relación de explotación desde las po-siciones directivas hacia las subordinadas al interior de la profesión académica.
In Chile, the explosive increase in university enrollment from the 1990s onwards has transformed the academic labor market, reflected on the number of higher education institutions in operation since that time, as well as the diversification of the offer regarding disciplines. Due to the foregoing, the purpose of this research is to account for the organization of the academic labour process in Chile. For this, 16 semistructured interviews with academics from the Metropolitan Region were produced and analyzed. The results indi-cated: (1) the presence of a specialized and hierarchical organization of work that tends to separate planning execution, (2) the “trans-institutional” character of teaching in positions of little contractual stability, (3) a control structure headed by a masculinity in a position of high hierarchy, academic prestige and job stability, (4) the publication of scientific articles and "effort morality" as disciplinary mechanisms of the workforce, and (5) in terms of resistance, malaise and individual complaint in subordinate positions that are accompanied by a weak collective organization. Cross-sectionally, it is possible to observe the ac-cumulated academic prestige as the determining factor to obtain high-ranking positions in the organization of the academic labour process; structuring an exploitative relationship from managerial positions to subordinate positions within the academic profession.
In Chile, the explosive increase in university enrollment from the 1990s onwards has transformed the academic labor market, reflected on the number of higher education institutions in operation since that time, as well as the diversification of the offer regarding disciplines. Due to the foregoing, the purpose of this research is to account for the organization of the academic labour process in Chile. For this, 16 semistructured interviews with academics from the Metropolitan Region were produced and analyzed. The results indi-cated: (1) the presence of a specialized and hierarchical organization of work that tends to separate planning execution, (2) the “trans-institutional” character of teaching in positions of little contractual stability, (3) a control structure headed by a masculinity in a position of high hierarchy, academic prestige and job stability, (4) the publication of scientific articles and "effort morality" as disciplinary mechanisms of the workforce, and (5) in terms of resistance, malaise and individual complaint in subordinate positions that are accompanied by a weak collective organization. Cross-sectionally, it is possible to observe the ac-cumulated academic prestige as the determining factor to obtain high-ranking positions in the organization of the academic labour process; structuring an exploitative relationship from managerial positions to subordinate positions within the academic profession.