Intervalos de referencia en parámetros sanguíneos indicadores del balance mineral para grupos de vacas lecheras en el sur de Chile
Intervalos de referencia en parámetros sanguíneos indicadores del balance mineral para grupos de vacas lecheras en el sur de Chile
Wagemann, C.
Wittwer, F.
Chihuailaf Vivanco, Ricardo
Noro, M.
Wittwer, F.
Chihuailaf Vivanco, Ricardo
Noro, M.
Datos de publicación:
Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria, Vol.46, N°1, 121-125, 2014
Vacas lecheras - Balance mineral - Perfiles metabólicos
El objetivo del estudio fue proponer intervalos de referencia (IR) de parámetros sanguíneos indicadores del balance mineral para grupos de vacas preparto y en lactación de rebaños lecheros del sur de Chile. Se utilizaron los valores de las concentraciones sanguíneas de calcio, fosfato inorgánico, magnesio, sodio, potasio, cobre y zinc y el cociente calcio:fosfato inorgánico, obtenidos de 1.414 perfiles metabólicos realizados a grupos de vacas de rebaños lecheros entre los años 2003 y 2011. Cada perfil estuvo conformado por un grupo de 5 o más vacas y de acuerdo a su estado fisiológico se clasificaron en 2 categorías: preparto (n = 380) y lactación (n = 1.034). Las medias de los parámetros fueron calculadas para cada grupo y categoría. Se analizó la distribución de los datos, siendo los no paramétricos normalizados por el método de logaritmos. Para cada parámetro se identificaron y eliminaron los outliers. Los IR se determinaron con una prueba no paramétrica, en base a los percentiles 2,5 y 97,5, cuando el tamaño muestral fue ≥ 120 y con un método robusto cuando el tamaño muestral fue 40 ≤ n ≤ 120. Los IR de la mayoría de los parámetros fueron similares a los reportados previamente por el laboratorio, a excepción de los IR de fosfato inorgánico para las categorías preparto y lactación y de cobre para la categoría preparto. Los resultados pretenden contribuir a mejorar la exactitud de los perfiles metabólicos para evaluar el estado metabólico nutricional de grupos de vacas de rebaños lecheros en el sur de Chile.
The aim of this study was to propose reference intervals (RI) for blood markers of mineral balance in prepartum and lactating groups of dairy cows in the South of Chile. The blood concentrations values of calcium, inorganic phosphate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper and zinc and ratio calcium/inorganic phosphate were analysed. The values were obtained from 1,414 metabolic profiles performed between 2003 and 2011 to groups of cows from dairy herds. Each metabolic profile consisted of a group of 5 or more cows, and according to their physiological condition they were classified in 2 categories: prepartum (n = 380) or lactating (n = 1,034). The means of the analytes were calculated for each group and category. The distribution of the data was analyzed and non-parametric values were log-transformed. For each analyte outliers were identified and removed. RI were estimated with a non-parametric test, based on the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles when the sample size was ≥ 120, and with a robust method when the sample size was 40 ≤ n ≤ 120. The RI for most of the blood markers were similar to those reported previously by the laboratory, except for inorganic phosphate established for both categories and of copper for the prepartum category. The results of this study will improve the interpretation of metabolic profiles and its accuracy to assess the metabolic and nutritional status of prepartum and lactating groups of cows of dairy herds in the South of Chile.
The aim of this study was to propose reference intervals (RI) for blood markers of mineral balance in prepartum and lactating groups of dairy cows in the South of Chile. The blood concentrations values of calcium, inorganic phosphate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper and zinc and ratio calcium/inorganic phosphate were analysed. The values were obtained from 1,414 metabolic profiles performed between 2003 and 2011 to groups of cows from dairy herds. Each metabolic profile consisted of a group of 5 or more cows, and according to their physiological condition they were classified in 2 categories: prepartum (n = 380) or lactating (n = 1,034). The means of the analytes were calculated for each group and category. The distribution of the data was analyzed and non-parametric values were log-transformed. For each analyte outliers were identified and removed. RI were estimated with a non-parametric test, based on the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles when the sample size was ≥ 120, and with a robust method when the sample size was 40 ≤ n ≤ 120. The RI for most of the blood markers were similar to those reported previously by the laboratory, except for inorganic phosphate established for both categories and of copper for the prepartum category. The results of this study will improve the interpretation of metabolic profiles and its accuracy to assess the metabolic and nutritional status of prepartum and lactating groups of cows of dairy herds in the South of Chile.