Evaluación de dos modelos de pisos trampa para el control del ácaro Varroa destructor Oud. sobre la abeja Apis mellifera L.
Evaluación de dos modelos de pisos trampa para el control del ácaro Varroa destructor Oud. sobre la abeja Apis mellifera L.
Araneda Durán, Ximena
Calzadilla Albornoz, Alejandro
Calzadilla Albornoz, Alejandro
Datos de publicación:
Varroa destructor - Abejas - Apis mellifera - Trampa antivarroa
El ensayo se llevó a cabo a partir del 18 de agosto al 30 de diciembre de 2004 en el Apiario Experimental y en el Laboratorio de Sanidad de la Universidad Católica de Temuco ubicado en el Campus Norte Rudecindo Ortega 02950 en la ciudad de Temuco. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el uso de dos pisos trampa antivarroa (AV) como método de control físico para el ácaro Varroa destructor. Para ello se utilizaron 10 colonias de abejas Apis mellifera en colmenas Langstroth, con dos modelos de pisos trampa AV: cinco pisos trampa antivarroa modelo de tubos (AVT) (T1) y cinco pisos trampa antivarroa modelo de malla (AVM) (T2), los que fueron ubicados en la parte inferior de las colmenas. Las evaluaciones consistieron en la observación y recuento diario de ácaros Varroa caídos sobre las láminas del fondo de los pisos AV de ambos tratamientos, identificando vivos y muertos a fin de compararlos y determinar la eficacia de cada uno de los modelos de piso. Las eficacias determinadas fueron de 19,76% y 15,87% para los pisos trampa AV de malla y de tubo respectivamente. Ambos constituyen una alternativa de control físico para el ácaro varroa y pueden ser parte de una estrategia de control integrado del ácaro.
The study was carried out between 18 August and 30 December 2004 in the Experimental Apiary and in the Health Laboratory of the Catholic University of Temuco, located in Campus Norte, Rudecindo Ortega 02950 in the city of Temuco. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of anti-varroa (AV) floor traps as a method for the physical control of the mite Varroa destructor. The study was carried out on ten colonies of Apis mellifera bees in Langstroth hives, with two models of AV floor traps: five tube model anti-varroa floor traps (AVT) (Tl) and five mesh model anti-varroa floor traps (AVM) (T2), which were placed in the bottoms of the hives. The evaluation consisted of the observation and daily count of varroa mites which fell onto the base sheets of the AV floor traps with each treatment, identifying live and dead mites in order to make a comparison and determine the effectiveness of each type of trap. The efficiencies determined for the mesh and tube AV traps were 19.76% and 15.87%, respectively. Both types are options for the physical control of the varroa mite and may form part of an integrated mite control strategy.
The study was carried out between 18 August and 30 December 2004 in the Experimental Apiary and in the Health Laboratory of the Catholic University of Temuco, located in Campus Norte, Rudecindo Ortega 02950 in the city of Temuco. The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of anti-varroa (AV) floor traps as a method for the physical control of the mite Varroa destructor. The study was carried out on ten colonies of Apis mellifera bees in Langstroth hives, with two models of AV floor traps: five tube model anti-varroa floor traps (AVT) (Tl) and five mesh model anti-varroa floor traps (AVM) (T2), which were placed in the bottoms of the hives. The evaluation consisted of the observation and daily count of varroa mites which fell onto the base sheets of the AV floor traps with each treatment, identifying live and dead mites in order to make a comparison and determine the effectiveness of each type of trap. The efficiencies determined for the mesh and tube AV traps were 19.76% and 15.87%, respectively. Both types are options for the physical control of the varroa mite and may form part of an integrated mite control strategy.