El recurso de nulidad penal ¿Un mecanismo respetuoso del derecho fundamental al recurso?
El recurso de nulidad penal ¿Un mecanismo respetuoso del derecho fundamental al recurso?
Abou Chakra, Raouf
Beca Frei, Juan
Díaz García, Luis
Beca Frei, Juan
Díaz García, Luis
Datos de publicación:
Recurso de nulidad penal - Derecho al recurso - Control de convencionalidad
El presente realiza un estudio, por medio de revisión, de algunos aspectos del derecho procesal penal y
derecho constitucional chileno, analizando el derecho al Recurso de Nulidad Penal, su origen; marco
normativo; configuración y problemáticas asociadas a éste. A la vez, analiza, mediante revisión, algunos fallos
de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, parte de la doctrina nacional y latinoamericana sobre la
materia, el rol del Control de Convencionalidad que deben ejercer los estados parte, intentando contribuir a
determinar de qué manera nuestro país sigue, o debiese seguir, los lineamientos propuestos por la Corte
Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre la materia y las normas recogidas en diversos instrumentos
internacionales, a fin de verificar si cumple o no la actual configuración de nuestro recurso de nulidad penal
el estándar internacional de garantizar el goce pleno y efectivo del derecho al recurso
This is a study, through review, of some aspects of criminal procedure law and Chilean constitutional law, analyzing the right to appeal for criminal annulment, its origin; regulatory framework; configuration and problems associated to it. At the same time, it analyzes, through the revision, some judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, part of the national and Latin-American doctrine, the role of Conventionality Control that states parties must apply, trying to help to determine how our country follows, or should follow, the guidelines proposed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the matter collected in different international instruments, in order to verify whether or not the current configuration of our criminal nullity appeal complies with the international standard of guaranteeing the full and effective enjoyment of the right to appeal.
This is a study, through review, of some aspects of criminal procedure law and Chilean constitutional law, analyzing the right to appeal for criminal annulment, its origin; regulatory framework; configuration and problems associated to it. At the same time, it analyzes, through the revision, some judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, part of the national and Latin-American doctrine, the role of Conventionality Control that states parties must apply, trying to help to determine how our country follows, or should follow, the guidelines proposed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the matter collected in different international instruments, in order to verify whether or not the current configuration of our criminal nullity appeal complies with the international standard of guaranteeing the full and effective enjoyment of the right to appeal.
El presente trabajo es resultado de la tesis del autor principal en el programa de Magíster en Derecho, Mención Derecho Público, de
la Universidad Católica de Temuco.