¿Pensar el cuerpo femenino como diálogo de saberes?
¿Pensar el cuerpo femenino como diálogo de saberes?
Castillo Muñoz, Andrea
Mora Guerrero, Gloria
Mora Guerrero, Gloria
Datos de publicación:
Menstruación - Pueblo mapuche - Feminismo menstrual - Interculturalidad
La investigación buscó describir los significados que, en torno a la menstruación, producen las feministas de un colectivo en el sur de Chile, y la relación entre estos significados y la cultura regional indígena, mapuche, que forma parte de los referentes simbólicos de las mujeres para la producción de significados corporales. Fue un estudio cualitativo, basado en la teoría fundamentada, con enfoque de género y perspectiva intercultural. Por medio de entrevistas y un grupo de discusión, los resultados mostraron múltiples significados en torno a lo menstrual, originados por las distintas posiciones históricas y espaciales de las mujeres, con la cultura mapuche. Las conclusiones problematizan el feminismo menstrual, al mostrar sus limitaciones para reconocer las diferentes experiencias corporales entre las mujeres del hemisferio sur y resistir la colonialidad simbólica occidental.
The meanings of menstruation for a women’s feminist collective living in the south of Chile and its relation to the Mapuche indigenous culture were described. The research method was based on the grounded theory and developed from a gender approach and an intercultural perspective. Focus groups and interviews were conducted to identify the beliefs about menstruation, which are assumed to be produced according to the historical and spatial perspective of each woman regarding the Mapuche culture. Conclusions acknowledge the limitations of menstrual feminism, in relation to the diversity of corporal experiences between women of the southern hemisphere and the diff erent ways of resisting symbolic western coloniality
The meanings of menstruation for a women’s feminist collective living in the south of Chile and its relation to the Mapuche indigenous culture were described. The research method was based on the grounded theory and developed from a gender approach and an intercultural perspective. Focus groups and interviews were conducted to identify the beliefs about menstruation, which are assumed to be produced according to the historical and spatial perspective of each woman regarding the Mapuche culture. Conclusions acknowledge the limitations of menstrual feminism, in relation to the diversity of corporal experiences between women of the southern hemisphere and the diff erent ways of resisting symbolic western coloniality