A New Method of Human Burial during the Early Pottery Period in the Valdivian Basin: The Archaeological Site Siete Manzanos (Neuquen, Patagonia, Argentina)
datacite.alternateIdentifier.citation | ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA,Vol.44,28-38,2019 | |
datacite.creator | Pérez, Alberto | |
datacite.creator | Reyes Sanchez, Juan E. | |
datacite.creator | Schuster, Veronica | |
datacite.date | 2019 | |
datacite.subject.english | Primary human burial | |
datacite.subject.english | Early Pottery period | |
datacite.subject.english | Valdivian basin | |
datacite.subject.english | Argentina | |
datacite.title | A New Method of Human Burial during the Early Pottery Period in the Valdivian Basin: The Archaeological Site Siete Manzanos (Neuquen, Patagonia, Argentina) | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-04-30T16:40:43Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-04-30T16:40:43Z | |
dc.description.abstract | This paper presents contextual and chronological information obtained from a direct individual burial recovered at the Siete Manzanos archaeological site, corresponding to the late Andean expressions of the Early Pottery period (ca. 1150 AD). The site is located in the northwestern sector of the Chapelco ridge (Neuquen province, Argentine Patagonia), an area that corresponds to the eastern mountain range of the Valdivian basin. The only recovered individual-adult, female, with erect tabular deformation of the cranium-was placed in the ventral position with the lower limbs flexed. According to the bibliographic review of previous studies, the case presented here-in addition to being the first report on this type of context for the study area-represents a new type of burial not registered to date in the region. | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repositoriodigital.uct.cl/handle/10925/3299 | |
dc.language.iso | es | |
dc.publisher | PASCUAL IZQUIERDO EGEA ED & PUB | |
oaire.resourceType | Article | |
uct.catalogador | WOS | |
uct.indizacion | ESCI |