Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on an ecological crop of chili peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)

Castillo R., Claudia
Sotomayor S., Leonardo
Ortiz O., Cesar
Leonelli Cantergiani, Gina
Borie B., Fernando
Rubio H., Rosa
Datos de publicación:
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol.69, N°1, 79-87, 2009
Biofertilizantes - Hongos micorrícicos - Cultivo ecológico - Capsicum annuum L. - Ají Cacho de cabra
Mapuche farmers in southern Chile have been cultivating local ecotypes of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), called locally "Cacho de cabra", for many decades. It is used to make "merkén", a condiment that is consumed locally and exported. This vegetable requires a nursery stage and can obtain nutritional benefits from symbiotic associations such as mycorrhizal fungi, achieving a better adaptation to transplanting. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligate biotrophes appearing in abundance in agroecosystems with conservation management. The aim of this study was to compare effectiveness of two AMF, a commercial mycorrhizal inoculant (IC, Glomus intraradices) and another native (IN, Glomus claroideum) with a control without inoculation (-I) on the production and quality of "Cacho de cabra". At 45 days after sowing (DAS) transplanting was carried out and at 90 and 216 DAS fruit quality, fungal and edaphic parameters were evaluated. The harvest was at four stages. With IN inoculation plants and with greater foliar area were obtained. Also, precocity of fruit production was observed. The harvest started 49 days earlier and fresh weight was 177% higher than that of the control. Root colonization was low, showing significant differences between IN and IC, while a large number of spores was produced in the substrate. It was concluded that inoculation with native fungi decreased transplanting stress thus accelerating the maturation stage of plants and resulting in higher and better yield quality.
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