Relación pedagógica en la educación intercultural: una aproximación desde los profesores mentores en La Araucanía
Relación pedagógica en la educación intercultural: una aproximación desde los profesores mentores en La Araucanía
Arias Ortega, Katerin
Datos de publicación:
Relación educativa - Educación intercultural - Prácticas pedagógicas
En Chile la educación intercultural bilingüe (EIB) es una política del Estado que incorpora la enseñanza de la lengua y la cultura de los pueblos indígenas en el currículum escolar. El problema de investigación plantea que la concretización de la EIB en el aula se encuentra limitada por desafíos epistemológicos entre los encargados de implementarla. El artículo expone resultados de investigación que describen la percepción de profesores mentores sobre los factores que afectan la enseñanza de la lengua y la cultura mapuche en la relación pedagógica con el educador tradicional, en tres escuelas situadas en comunidades mapuche en La Araucanía. La metodología es de carácter cualitativo, con un nivel descriptivo, en que se aplicaron entrevistas semidirigidas a los participantes. El análisis de la información se realiza mediante el uso de la técnica de teoría fundamentada. Los resultados muestran que existe una percepción negativa hacia la EIB, al concebirla como una política educativa impuesta por el Estado, lo que limita un quiebre paradigmático de la escuela para la enseñanza de la lengua y la cultura mapuche en el aula. Se concluye que es urgente poner en discusión y cuestionamiento la política de EIB que desde su enfoque funcional aumenta el racismo y prejuicio hacia lo mapuche en la educación escolar. Por ende, es necesario repensar la educación intercultural desde una perspectiva crítica, que surge desde los sujetos que históricamente han sido subalternizados.
In Chile, bilingual intercultural education (EIB) is a State policy that incorporates the teaching of the language and culture of indigenous peoples in the school curriculum. The research problem suggests that carrying out EIB in the classroom is limited by epistemological challenges put to those responsible for implementing it. The article presents research results that describe the perception of mentor teachers related to factors that affect the teaching of the Mapuche language and culture in the pedagogical relationship with the traditional educator, in three schools located in Mapuche communities in La Araucanía. The methodology is qualitative, with a descriptive level, in which semi-directed interviews were conducted with the participants. The analysis of the information was done by using the grounded theory technique. Results show that there is a negative perception towards EIB, when it is conceived as an educational policy imposed by the State, which limits a paradigmatic breakdown of the school for teaching Mapuche language and culture in the classroom. Conclusion is that there is an urgent need to discuss and question the EIB policy, which due to its functional focus increases racism and prejudice towards the Mapuche in school education. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink intercultural education from a critical perspective, which arises from subjects who have historically been subordinated.
In Chile, bilingual intercultural education (EIB) is a State policy that incorporates the teaching of the language and culture of indigenous peoples in the school curriculum. The research problem suggests that carrying out EIB in the classroom is limited by epistemological challenges put to those responsible for implementing it. The article presents research results that describe the perception of mentor teachers related to factors that affect the teaching of the Mapuche language and culture in the pedagogical relationship with the traditional educator, in three schools located in Mapuche communities in La Araucanía. The methodology is qualitative, with a descriptive level, in which semi-directed interviews were conducted with the participants. The analysis of the information was done by using the grounded theory technique. Results show that there is a negative perception towards EIB, when it is conceived as an educational policy imposed by the State, which limits a paradigmatic breakdown of the school for teaching Mapuche language and culture in the classroom. Conclusion is that there is an urgent need to discuss and question the EIB policy, which due to its functional focus increases racism and prejudice towards the Mapuche in school education. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink intercultural education from a critical perspective, which arises from subjects who have historically been subordinated.