Le sens du Nord dans l’éducation et la formation au lieu : Exploration d’enjeux
Le sens du Nord dans l’éducation et la formation au lieu : Exploration d’enjeux
Prévil, Carlo
Arias Ortega, Katherine
Arias Ortega, Katherine
Profesor Guía
Datos de publicación:
Éducation relative à l'environnement, Vol. 16 - 2, 1-21, 2021
Éducation relative à l'environnement, Vol. 16 - 2, 1-21, 2021
Tipo de recurso
Artículo de Revista
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Sense of place - Interculturalism, eco-citizenship - Place based education - Geographic education
Materia geográfica
Northern studies have grown considerably across Canada since the last few decades. However, it appears a persistent delay in the education and training to the sense of the North, for a comprehensive teaching of Geography in Québec. Historically, the geographic education seems reluctant for including contextual knowledge coming from the Northern communities in place-based education. This paper discusses the opportunity of conceptualizing new knowledge on sense of North as Sense of Place in Québec and Canada. Elaboration of new capacities and essential knowledge about the North could constitute a thrilling opportunity for the renewal of the geographic education and environmental education. This renewed geographic education will help enhancing eco-citizenship by including northern perspectives in territorial and cultural identities as well as new spatial dynamics of humanization.