La orden de alejamiento en la violencia intrafamiliar y la relevancia del consentimiento de la víctima en su quebrantamiento.
La orden de alejamiento en la violencia intrafamiliar y la relevancia del consentimiento de la víctima en su quebrantamiento.
Datos de publicación:
Violencia intrafamiliar - Medidas cautelares - Delito de desacato
La ejecución y fi scalización de la medida de alejamiento en violencia intrafamiliar presenta variados problemas jurídicos y administrativos que diariamente jueces, fiscales y policías deben afrontar. Ciertamente que una mayor exigencia en la justificación del pronunciamiento de la medida y una regulación
normativa más perfeccionada en cuanto ceda a la utilización de instrumentos
tecnológicos y permita fijar una distancia mínima de seguridad para la víctima, son elementos que constituyen un avance significativo en la superación de los inconvenientes. Se observan además difi cultades respecto a la vigencia de la medida de alejamiento frente a la impugnación de la sentencia que la dispuso,
así como también si la vigencia de la misma como medida cautelar durante el
procedimiento puede servir de abono a la pena definitiva de alejamiento que
se disponga en la sentencia de término. Por último, la relevancia jurídica de la voluntad de aproximación de la víctima en el seno de una orden de alejamiento
y la problemática precisa que se observa con la interpretación que debe
darse al ilícito de desacato del artículo 240 del Código de Procedimiento Civil,
obligan a profundizar las características propias que en la violencia intrafamiliar este delito presenta, adentrándonos a una interpretación más integral que
ayude a flexibilizar la reacción penal ante la constatación del incumplimiento de la medida tolerada y/o aceptada por la víctima.
The execution and supervision of a restraining order in cases of Domestic Violence present various legal and administrative problems which judges, prosecutors and police forces have to deal with daily. Certainly, stricter requirements to justify the pronouncement of such orders and better regulations on agreement over the use of technological tools and fixing the minimum safety distance for the victim constitute signifi cant progress in overcoming these problems. But difficulties are also found in monitoring compliance with the restraining order when the sentence under which it was issued is impugned, and in deciding whether its issue as a cautionary measure during proceedings may be set towards the period of restraint handed down in the final sentence. Finally the legal relevance of the victim’s willingness to countenance an approach when protected by a restraining order, and the precise problem observed in the appropriate interpretation of contempt of article 240 of the Civil Proceedings Code, make it necessary to go more deeply into the particular characteristics which this offence presents in situations of domestic violence, to develop a more integrated interpretation which will help to make the law more flexible in reacting to infringement of an order when tolerated and/or accepted by the victim.
The execution and supervision of a restraining order in cases of Domestic Violence present various legal and administrative problems which judges, prosecutors and police forces have to deal with daily. Certainly, stricter requirements to justify the pronouncement of such orders and better regulations on agreement over the use of technological tools and fixing the minimum safety distance for the victim constitute signifi cant progress in overcoming these problems. But difficulties are also found in monitoring compliance with the restraining order when the sentence under which it was issued is impugned, and in deciding whether its issue as a cautionary measure during proceedings may be set towards the period of restraint handed down in the final sentence. Finally the legal relevance of the victim’s willingness to countenance an approach when protected by a restraining order, and the precise problem observed in the appropriate interpretation of contempt of article 240 of the Civil Proceedings Code, make it necessary to go more deeply into the particular characteristics which this offence presents in situations of domestic violence, to develop a more integrated interpretation which will help to make the law more flexible in reacting to infringement of an order when tolerated and/or accepted by the victim.