Farmacogenómica de los anticoagulantes orales: la importancia de establecer algoritmos de dosificación en población chilena
Farmacogenómica de los anticoagulantes orales: la importancia de establecer algoritmos de dosificación en población chilena
Guzmán Oyarzo, Neftalí
Vega Sanhueza, Mario
Reyes Cadagán, Franco
Guzmán Oyarzo, Dina
Andaur Rademacher, Marcela
Boguen Ojeda, Rodrigo
Letelier Arias, Pablo
Vega Sanhueza, Mario
Reyes Cadagán, Franco
Guzmán Oyarzo, Dina
Andaur Rademacher, Marcela
Boguen Ojeda, Rodrigo
Letelier Arias, Pablo
Profesor Guía
Datos de publicación:
Revista médica de Chile, Vol. 148, N° 9, 1307-1314, 2020
Revista médica de Chile, Vol. 148, N° 9, 1307-1314, 2020
Tipo de recurso
Artículo de Revista
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Pharmacogenomic variants - Coumarins - Anticoagulants - Anticoagulantes - Cumarina - Farmacogenética
Materia geográfica
There is an important interindividual variability in dose requirement for coumarinic anticoagulants, which could be explained by genetic and non-genetic factors. Among hereditary factors, there are gene polymorphisms that code the therapeutic target and the main enzyme responsible for their metabolism. However, there are other candidate genes that could modulate dose requirements. The is a paucity of pharmacogenomic platforms to determine dose requirements of coumarinics in the Chilean population. Therefore,
algorithms considering different variables to adjust individual dosages are
required. Herein, we analyze the available evidence about factors that can
modify the effects of vitamin K antagonists and that should be incorporated
to dosing algorithms