The effect of switching mobile sources to natural gas on the ozone in the great smoky mountains national park

Díaz-Robles, Luis Alonso
Greene, D.S.
Doraiswamy, P.
Reed, G.D.
Fu, J.S.
Datos de publicación:
Gas natural - Polución - Combustibles - Calidad del aire - Ozono
Mobile sources are among the largest contributors of NOx in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park region (GSMNP). In 2001, these sources contributed 45% of NOx emissions. From 1990 to 2001, the growth of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) increased 60% and 55% in neighboring Sevier and Blount counties respectively. These emissions combined with the high volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions in the Southeast area have caused the ozone ground level concentration to be as high as some major metropolitan areas in the summer season. In 2001, the maximum 8-hr ozone concentration inside the park was 103 parts per billion. In response to high ozone levels in other areas, federal, state, and local governments are promoting the use of alternative, clean, and reformulated fuel vehicles as a means to improve local air pollution. One of these fuels is compressed natural gas (CNG). The purpose of this project was to use USEPA's CMAQ system in order to model the air quality and compare the ozone ground level formation in the GSMNP from light duty vehicles (LDVs) operating with 100% CNG within 100 miles around GSMNP. A severe southeast ozone episode between August and September 1999 was used as a reference and 2004 was used as a future case. Results showed that LDVs fueled with 100% CNG in the domain could reduce ozone level by 10% and 8% for 1-hr and 8-hr ozone formation respectively in the GSMNP on the modeled time period. Scavenging occurred around the GSMNP in the morning time during the selected episode.
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