Asociacionismo productivo y empoderamiento de mujeres rurales: Madres multiactivas, socias y mujeres campesinas
Asociacionismo productivo y empoderamiento de mujeres rurales: Madres multiactivas, socias y mujeres campesinas
Mora Guerrero, Gloria Miryam
Fernández Darraz, María Cecilia
Ortega Olivetti, Sofía Victoria
Fernández Darraz, María Cecilia
Ortega Olivetti, Sofía Victoria
Datos de publicación:
Cultura, Hombre, Sociedad (CUHSO), Vol. 26, N°1, 133-160, 2016
Mujeres rurales - Asociacionismo productivo - Roles de género - Empoderamiento
En este artículo se presentan avances de una investigación en desarrollo que analiza las relaciones entre la participación de mujeres rurales
en iniciativas productivas de tipo asociativo y sus posibles procesos de empoderamiento en contextos interculturales. En específico, se exploran los
efectos que tienen este tipo de iniciativas en la vida de las mujeres rurales de la Región de la Araucanía, explorando si a partir de su participación colectiva se producen procesos de toma de conciencia respecto de la subordinación de género y si se promueven cambios que favorezcan relaciones más equitativas para las mujeres. Bajo el diseño de la teoría fundamentada con perspectiva construccionista, se realizaron diez registros de observaciones participantes y un taller de discusión con mujeres socias de un emprendimiento de tipo productivo. Las conclusiones muestran el empoderamiento de las mujeres rurales como un proceso en el cual ellas pueden pasar por
múltiples y paradójicos momentos tanto de desempoderamiento como de empoderamiento, los cuales coexisten, se suceden o se superponen entre sí.
This article presents the progress of a major research whose objective is to analyze the relationships between the participation of women in rural areas in associative economic and productive initiatives and their potential empowerment processes in intercultural contexts. Specifically, this work explores the processes of subordination awareness, transformation of gender roles and the construction of their positioning as social actors by participants of economic and productive associations from La Araucanía Region. Following the constructionist Grounded Theory perspective, ten notes of participant observations and a workshop of discussion were implemented with women associated with each other to develop this kind of enterprises. The conclusions show the empowerment of women in rural areas as a process in which they can go through multiple and paradoxical moments, both empowerment and disempowerment, which coexist, occur after one another or overlap.
This article presents the progress of a major research whose objective is to analyze the relationships between the participation of women in rural areas in associative economic and productive initiatives and their potential empowerment processes in intercultural contexts. Specifically, this work explores the processes of subordination awareness, transformation of gender roles and the construction of their positioning as social actors by participants of economic and productive associations from La Araucanía Region. Following the constructionist Grounded Theory perspective, ten notes of participant observations and a workshop of discussion were implemented with women associated with each other to develop this kind of enterprises. The conclusions show the empowerment of women in rural areas as a process in which they can go through multiple and paradoxical moments, both empowerment and disempowerment, which coexist, occur after one another or overlap.