Love in physical education: a philosophical perspective based on Max Scheler and Jose Ortega y Gasset

Mujica Johnson, Felipe
Orellana Arduiz, Nelly Del Cannen
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Philosophical activity is directed primarily to the world of ideas, that is, it deals with thoughts and meditation on the deepest themes of human and non-human existence. On the other hand, the pedagogical activity is mainly directed to more practical purposes, although not less important, and takes advantage of the knowledge revealed by the different referents of philosophy. However, it has been pointed out that for different reasons education has strayed far from the deeper world of ideas, which can lead to very superficial pedagogical activity. This essay aims to bring philosophy closer to education and, specifically, to physical education. First, the objective was to analyze the meaning of love proposed by two philosophers associated with the phenomenological school, Max Scheler and Jose Ortega y Gasset. Later, that meaning was associated with ethical training in school physical education. The analysis reflects that both agree that love is an objective feeling and an intentional act aimed at adequately preserving what is positively valued. They also recognize that love precedes emotions, thoughts, and desires, as well as its direction goes from the top to the bottom. knowledge can be applied in physical education in different ways, highlighting awareness on the relationship between emotions and ethical values, such as solidarity, respect for human rights, tolerance, and humility.
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