Neuropsychological Assessment of Semantic Memory in Presenile Dementia and Atypical Cognitive Decline: ?Are We Prepared?
Neuropsychological Assessment of Semantic Memory in Presenile Dementia and Atypical Cognitive Decline: ?Are We Prepared?
Hurtado-Oliva, Javier
Datos de publicaciĆ³n:
Population ageing is a demographic phenomenon of global concern. As the elderly population increases, so does the number of neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia are the main causes of pathological cognitive aging, differentiating between Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and dementia. Semantic memory allows the processing, storage and representation of information that underlies the understanding and use of the meaning of everything that surrounds us, allowing autonomy in the performance of activities of daily life, therefore, it's commitment leads to a state of dementia. One of the main objectives of clinical studies and public health impact is the early detection of dementia, aimed at a pharmacological treatment, non-pharmacological, and timely psychosocial management. Currently, cases of presenile dementias and initial presentations with atypical profiles have increased, with semantic memory being one of these manifestations. In Chile, there are effective tools for detection of a pathological cognitive aging, however, there are no evaluative tools for an effective diagnosis in atypical cases.