La investigación formativa y su incidencia en el desarrollo académico y empresarial de la geomática
La investigación formativa y su incidencia en el desarrollo académico y empresarial de la geomática
Rocha Salamanca, Luz Angela
Datos de publicación:
Geomática - Investigación formativa - Educación superior - Semilleros de investigación
Uno de los elementos importantes que se han incorporado en los programas de educación superior en Colombia, es el enfoque hacia la investigación formativa, la cual tiene como objetivo sembrar la semilla de investigadores en los estudiantes de educación superior. En ese sentido la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas de la ciudad de Bogotá, a través de su programa de Ingeniería Catastral y Geodesia ha venido trabajando arduamente en la consolidación de la investigación dentro del programa. Es así como sus grupos de investigación han promovido la creación de los semilleros de investigación los cuales son los encargados de generar la conciencia investigativa en los estudiantes es decir lo que se llama en el ámbito académico la investigación formativa. Es así como en el ámbito de la Geomática el grupo de investigación NIDE (Núcleo de investigación en datos espaciales) tiene adscrito cinco semilleros los cuales desde el año 2007 trabajan para familiarizar a los estudiantes con los procesos de investigación generando proyectos que permitan afianzar los conceptos en los temas relacionados con las ciencias de la información geográfica. Durante estos 10 años gracias a los semilleros de investigación, se han generado proyectos y tesis de grado que permiten ver el avance de los estudiantes en el uso de las herramientas geo-tecnológicas, basados en un conjunto de elementos conceptuales y técnicos que permiten mejorar los procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje en Sistemas de Información Geográfica y Percepción Remota. De la misma forma el concepto de los semilleros de investigación ha dado el salto de la comunidad académica a la empresarial, ya que algunas empresas distribuidoras de software han incorporado en sus procesos de desarrollo, semilleros donde los estudiantes trabajan y aportan en la generación de aplicaciones y transferencia de conocimientos, lo que ha permitido mejorar los tiempos y la calidad de los servicios. El objetivo de este artículo, es entonces, mostrar la importancia de la creación de semilleros de investigación y el aporte investigativo de éstos no sólo en la parte académica sino también empresarial
One of the most important features that have been incorporated at the programs of higher education in Colombia, is the approach to formative research, which aims to sow seeds of researchers in undergraduate students. The Universidad Distrital, through the Geodesy and Cadastral engineering program, has been working hard on the consolidation of the research inside the program. Therefore, their research groups have promoted the creation of the research seeds, which are responsible for generating consciousness of research knowledge in students, which is called academic formative research. In this way, concerning the field of Geomatics, the research group named “NIDE” has assigned five research seed groups, which since 2007 works to familiarize the students with research processes generating projects that reinforce the concepts in themes regarding geo-information sciences. During these 10 years due the effort done by the seed research groups, many projects were produced, and academic thesis, that permits appreciate the progress of students in the use of geo-technological tools, based on a set of conceptual and technical elements, that allow to improve the processes of teaching - learning in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems matters. In the same way the research seed groups, have made the jump from the academic community to the business geospatial sectors, since some Geomatics companies, have incorporated in their development processes, seeds research groups, where students work and contribute in generating applications and transfer of knowledge, which allowed to improve the times and the quality of services. The objective of this article is to show the importance of the creation of research seeds groups and the contribution of these groups not only in the academic but also at the business sector
One of the most important features that have been incorporated at the programs of higher education in Colombia, is the approach to formative research, which aims to sow seeds of researchers in undergraduate students. The Universidad Distrital, through the Geodesy and Cadastral engineering program, has been working hard on the consolidation of the research inside the program. Therefore, their research groups have promoted the creation of the research seeds, which are responsible for generating consciousness of research knowledge in students, which is called academic formative research. In this way, concerning the field of Geomatics, the research group named “NIDE” has assigned five research seed groups, which since 2007 works to familiarize the students with research processes generating projects that reinforce the concepts in themes regarding geo-information sciences. During these 10 years due the effort done by the seed research groups, many projects were produced, and academic thesis, that permits appreciate the progress of students in the use of geo-technological tools, based on a set of conceptual and technical elements, that allow to improve the processes of teaching - learning in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems matters. In the same way the research seed groups, have made the jump from the academic community to the business geospatial sectors, since some Geomatics companies, have incorporated in their development processes, seeds research groups, where students work and contribute in generating applications and transfer of knowledge, which allowed to improve the times and the quality of services. The objective of this article is to show the importance of the creation of research seeds groups and the contribution of these groups not only in the academic but also at the business sector