Patronazgo en Chile. Una taxonomía heterogénea que cambia
Patronazgo en Chile. Una taxonomía heterogénea que cambia
Moya Díaz, Emilio José
Garrido Estrada, Víctor
Garrido Estrada, Víctor
Profesor Guía
Datos de publicación:
Estudios Políticos, N°53, 213-236, 2018
Estudios Políticos, N°53, 213-236, 2018
Tipo de recurso
Artículo de Revista
Patronazgo - Designaciones políticas - Partidos políticos
Materia geográfica
El objetivo de este artículo es describir de manera exploratoria el tipo de patronazgo que existe en Chile e identificar los mecanismos que lo determinan. Se aplica una taxonomía a partir de un trabajo conjunto en desarrollo y coordinado por Conrado Ramos, Francisco Panizza y Guy Peters, el cual reúne una cantidad significativa de investigadores latinoamericanos. Se entiende por patronazgo partidario aquella actividad donde las asignaciones políticas en la administración pública las realizan los partidos políticos de manera discrecional. Con respecto a la metodología, se utilizó un diseño descriptivo de carácter mixto, es decir, combinó elementos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Los resultados muestran que no existe un tipo de patronazgo homogéneo en la administración pública chilena; de hecho, varía de acuerdo con el nivel jerárquico que se analice. Con respecto a los partidos políticos, su papel sigue siendo importante en las designaciones, pero a partir de la perspectiva de los informantes clave estos han perdido relevancia desde la vuelta de la democracia con relación al presidente y a otros actores políticos.
The objective of this article is to describe in an exploratory way the type of patronage that exists in Chile and identify the mechanisms that determine it. The typology that will be applied in this article is a classification that has been elaborated in a joint work that is still under development and that are being led by Conrado Ramos, Francisco Panizza and Guy Peters. This typology brings together a significant number of Latin American researchers. Patronage will be understood as that activity where the political appoinments in the administration are made by the political parties in a discretionary manner. A descriptive methodology of mixed character was used, that is, it combined qualitative and quantitative elements. The results show that there is no homogeneous type of patronage in the Chilean public administration. In fact, it varies according to the hierarchical level that is analyzed. Moreover, the role of political parties continues to be important in the designations, although they have lost relevance since the return of democracy in relation to other actors.
The objective of this article is to describe in an exploratory way the type of patronage that exists in Chile and identify the mechanisms that determine it. The typology that will be applied in this article is a classification that has been elaborated in a joint work that is still under development and that are being led by Conrado Ramos, Francisco Panizza and Guy Peters. This typology brings together a significant number of Latin American researchers. Patronage will be understood as that activity where the political appoinments in the administration are made by the political parties in a discretionary manner. A descriptive methodology of mixed character was used, that is, it combined qualitative and quantitative elements. The results show that there is no homogeneous type of patronage in the Chilean public administration. In fact, it varies according to the hierarchical level that is analyzed. Moreover, the role of political parties continues to be important in the designations, although they have lost relevance since the return of democracy in relation to other actors.