Objetividad, Ecología y Problemática Ambiental
Objetividad, Ecología y Problemática Ambiental
Di Pasquo, Federico
Klier, Gabriela
Busan, Tomás
Del Castillo, Daniela
Klier, Gabriela
Busan, Tomás
Del Castillo, Daniela
Profesor Guía
Datos de publicación:
Cultura, Hombre, Sociedad (CUHSO), Vol. 29, N°1, 225-248, 2019
Cultura, Hombre, Sociedad (CUHSO), Vol. 29, N°1, 225-248, 2019
Tipo de recurso
Artículo de Revista
Theodore Roszak - Ecología de ecosistemas - Naturaleza - Hegemonía
Materia geográfica
En este trabajo indagamos el modo en que la ecología se dirige a su objeto de estudio, la naturaleza. “Ilustramos” este modo de estudiar la naturaleza mediante una crítica a la objetividad desarrollada por Theodore Roszak. Destacando que la ecología opera, en el contexto de la problemática ambiental, <<como sí>> fuese objetiva. En este marco, problematizamos: (i) cómo se construye un significado de la naturaleza desde la ecología, (ii) cómo se silencia la experiencia del ecólogo en la naturaleza, (iii) cómo se da el vínculo entre
valores (espirituales, estéticos o recreativos) y conocimiento ecosistémico y finalmente (iv) abordamos el carácter <<nómade>> del conocimiento ecosistémico y su posición hegemónica en el contexto de la problemática ambiental. En líneas generales, las conclusiones del presente trabajo se dirigen a relegar al conocimiento ecosistémico a un lugar más modesto dentro de la actual crisis ambiental.
In this paper we inquire the way in which ecology approaches its object of study, nature. We "illustrate" this way of studying nature through a critique of objectivity developed by Theodore Roszak, emphasizing that ecology operates, in the context of environmental problems, <<as if>> it were objective. In this framework, we problematize: (i) how one meaning of nature is constructed in ecology, (ii) how the ecologist's experience in nature is silenced, (iii) how are values (spiritual, aesthetic or recreational) and ecosystemic knowledge linked together and finally (iv) we address the "nomad" condition of ecosystemic knowledge and its hegemonic position in the context of environmental issues. In general terms, the conclusions of this work are directed at relegating ecosystem knowledge to a more modest place within the current environmental crisis
In this paper we inquire the way in which ecology approaches its object of study, nature. We "illustrate" this way of studying nature through a critique of objectivity developed by Theodore Roszak, emphasizing that ecology operates, in the context of environmental problems, <<as if>> it were objective. In this framework, we problematize: (i) how one meaning of nature is constructed in ecology, (ii) how the ecologist's experience in nature is silenced, (iii) how are values (spiritual, aesthetic or recreational) and ecosystemic knowledge linked together and finally (iv) we address the "nomad" condition of ecosystemic knowledge and its hegemonic position in the context of environmental issues. In general terms, the conclusions of this work are directed at relegating ecosystem knowledge to a more modest place within the current environmental crisis