Influencia de la “diplomacia militar” en las fuerzas armadas chilenas durante la temprana guerra fría 1942-1952
Influencia de la “diplomacia militar” en las fuerzas armadas chilenas durante la temprana guerra fría 1942-1952
Garay Vera, Cristián
Troncoso, Valeska
Troncoso, Valeska
Datos de publicación:
Fuerzas armadas - Chile -- Historia - Guerra Fría - Diplomacia no convencional
Los autores caracterizan un periodo de las relaciones civiles-militares en Chile anterior a la crisis de 1973. Es el periodo comprendido entre los
años 1942 y 1952 para aplicar un concepto de "diplomacia militar" y describir las relaciones profesionales autónomas entre las fuerzas armadas de Chile y Estados Unidos. Esto nos permite verificar el modelo del profesionalismo de Huntington, pues si bien estos contactos entre las Fuerzas Armadas se relacionan en un nivel profesional, mediante la asistencia militar estadounidense, en el marco de cooperación panamericana, se produce una concordancia entre la perspectiva estratégica chilena y la estadounidense. Todo dentro de una subordinación formal en términos de relaciones civiles-militares. Esto les permite a los mandos militares chilenos comunicar a nivel de la conducción política y del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile sus propuestas concordadas con
mandos militares de EE.UU
The authors characterize a period of the civil – military relations in Chile previous to the crisis of 1973. It is the period between 1942 and 1952 to apply a concept of “military diplomacy” and to describe the professional autonomous relations between the armed forces of Chile and the United States. This allows us to check Huntington's professionalism model, as even though these contacts between the Armed Forces relate in a professional level, by means of the military American assistance, in the frame of Pan-American cooperation, conformity takes place between the Chilean and the American strategic perspectives. All of this inside a formal subordination in terms of civil – military relations. This allows the Chilean military personnel in charge to communicate, at the level of the political conduction and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, their proposals reconciled with the military commanders
The authors characterize a period of the civil – military relations in Chile previous to the crisis of 1973. It is the period between 1942 and 1952 to apply a concept of “military diplomacy” and to describe the professional autonomous relations between the armed forces of Chile and the United States. This allows us to check Huntington's professionalism model, as even though these contacts between the Armed Forces relate in a professional level, by means of the military American assistance, in the frame of Pan-American cooperation, conformity takes place between the Chilean and the American strategic perspectives. All of this inside a formal subordination in terms of civil – military relations. This allows the Chilean military personnel in charge to communicate, at the level of the political conduction and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, their proposals reconciled with the military commanders