Discriminación racial y el principio de igualdad.
Discriminación racial y el principio de igualdad.
Lillo V., Rodrigo
Datos de publicación:
Discriminación - Ley indígena - Conflicto interétnico
Por primera vez en nuestro país, un Tribunal sanciona una conducta discriminatoria basada en criterios racionales. En el texto
que sigue, se intenta describir el razonamiento que, siguiendo los principios liberales y de la Doctrina de los Derechos Humanos, fundamentan el fallo judicial. Además se plantea el desafío y posibilidad que constituye el principio de la igualdad -pensado desde la filosofía moral de Kant- como aporte a la resolución del conficto interétnico.
For the first time in Chile, a Court of law sanctioned against discriminatory behavior based on race. In this next it is intented to describe the reasoning of the judicial veredict, wich assumes the liberal principles and the human rights doctrine. Besides it is explained the inadequateness of the equality principIe from Kant's moral philosophy, facing the interethnic antagonism, although nowadays, the question of the indigenous rights, it is not consider on the no individual discrimination, but in the recognition of the political rights of the indigenous peoples.
For the first time in Chile, a Court of law sanctioned against discriminatory behavior based on race. In this next it is intented to describe the reasoning of the judicial veredict, wich assumes the liberal principles and the human rights doctrine. Besides it is explained the inadequateness of the equality principIe from Kant's moral philosophy, facing the interethnic antagonism, although nowadays, the question of the indigenous rights, it is not consider on the no individual discrimination, but in the recognition of the political rights of the indigenous peoples.
Incluye un Anexo con el Fallo de la Causa