El procedimiento de resolución de controversias en el Decreto MOP N° 900 en relación al debido proceso.
El procedimiento de resolución de controversias en el Decreto MOP N° 900 en relación al debido proceso.
Preuss Lazo, Alejandro
Datos de publicación:
doi: 10.7770/rchdycp-V3N1-art350
Interpretación del Derecho - Resolución de conflictos - Ministerio de Obras Públicas - Chile
Los preceptos legales establecidos en el Decreto MOP N° 900, que regulan
la resolución de conflictos derivados del contrato de concesión, mediante
una Comisión Arbitral, establecen prerrogativas que vulneran nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. En vista de esto, y mediante un análisis exhaustivo, se concluye que dicha normativa vulnera el principio Constitucional del debido
proceso, al establecer un procedimiento que no respeta las garantías mínimas
que aseguran un resultado justo y equitativo del conflicto.
The legal rules established in Decree MOP* N° 900, which govern the conflicts settlement derived from the contract of concessions of public works through an arbitration committee, set up prerogatives which violate our legal system. Because of that and after a thorough analysis, it is concluded that the aforementioned regulations break the constitutional principle of the due process of law when establishing a procedure which does not respect the minimum guarantees which assure a just and fair outcome of the conflict.
The legal rules established in Decree MOP* N° 900, which govern the conflicts settlement derived from the contract of concessions of public works through an arbitration committee, set up prerogatives which violate our legal system. Because of that and after a thorough analysis, it is concluded that the aforementioned regulations break the constitutional principle of the due process of law when establishing a procedure which does not respect the minimum guarantees which assure a just and fair outcome of the conflict.