Flora de macrófitos y bioindicadores del lago Budi (IX Región, Chile)
Flora de macrófitos y bioindicadores del lago Budi (IX Región, Chile)
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
González Arratia, Marcos
Leiva, Luis
Falcón, Lissette
González Arratia, Marcos
Leiva, Luis
Falcón, Lissette
Datos de publicación:
Lago Budi - Flora acuática - Macrófitas - Bioindicadores
El lago Budi, ubicado en la costa de la IX Región de La
Araucanía Chile, tiene gran importancia como refugio
de fauna y para las comunidades mapuches ribereñas.
Sus características de origen, salinidad y eutroficación
Lo hacen diferente al resto de los lagos de la región centro sur del país. Con el objeto de determinar la composición
Florística de esta albufera costera y la detección de
macrófitos indicadores de contaminación orgánica, en
diciembre de 1995 y enero de 1996 se realizaron colectas intensivas. Se determinaron 107 especies, que se distribuyen en 4 algas, 4 pteridófitos y 99 angiospermas,
valores bastante superiores a los de otras lagos de la
región. De éstas, 54 son nativas, 49 introducidas y 4
cosmopolitas. Las formas de vida mas importantes son
los hemicriptófitos, criptófitos y terófitos. A través de la
flora se confirman los altos niveles de eutroficación y
de perturbación antrópica del lugar.
Lago Budi, a coastal lake in the "Aracania” region of south-central Chile, is an important wild life refuge and is also used extensively by Mapuche native American communities. The origin, salinity and trophic status of Lago Budi set it apart from other lakes in south-central Chile. The Iake vegetation was sampled intensively in dicember 1995 and january 1996, to determine floristic composition and assess bioindicators of organic pollution. 107 taxa were identified, comprising 4 algae, 4 pteridophytes and 99 angiosperms. This total is high compared to other lakes of the region. 54 species are native, 49 are exotic and 4 are compo1itam. The most important Iife forms are hemicryptophytes, cryptophytes and terophytes. Species composition is consistent with high levels of eutrophication and anthropic disturbance.
Lago Budi, a coastal lake in the "Aracania” region of south-central Chile, is an important wild life refuge and is also used extensively by Mapuche native American communities. The origin, salinity and trophic status of Lago Budi set it apart from other lakes in south-central Chile. The Iake vegetation was sampled intensively in dicember 1995 and january 1996, to determine floristic composition and assess bioindicators of organic pollution. 107 taxa were identified, comprising 4 algae, 4 pteridophytes and 99 angiosperms. This total is high compared to other lakes of the region. 54 species are native, 49 are exotic and 4 are compo1itam. The most important Iife forms are hemicryptophytes, cryptophytes and terophytes. Species composition is consistent with high levels of eutrophication and anthropic disturbance.