Los daños corporales y su valoración, una mirada desde el Derecho español.
Los daños corporales y su valoración, una mirada desde el Derecho español.
Parra Sepúlveda, Darío
Datos de publicación:
- Daño corporal - Daño extrapatrimonial
En el presente artículo se aborda la problemática de los daños corporales, atendiendo
a las herramientas de que disponen los ordenamientos jurídicos para
establecer criterios objetivos en la valoración de esta clase de perjuicios, limitando
así la amplia discrecionalidad que los órganos judiciales gozan en esta
materia. Centramos particularmente nuestro estudio en el sistema de valoración
de los daños corporales derivados de accidentes de circulación en la ley 30/1995
de ordenación y supervisión de los seguros privados, actualmente vigente en el
ordenamiento jurídico español. Se destacan además, aquellos aspectos del sistema
que han sido objeto del arduo debate doctrinal y jurisprudencial en España,
entregando algunas luces sobre el pretendido establecimiento de un sistema
legal comunitario de valoración de los daños corporales al amparo de la Unión
In this article, we discuss the difficulties that arise from attempts to establish legal tools in order to measure the severity of personal injuries. Those tools, which aim at rendering the valuation of such injuries more objective, limit the broad discretion that courts use to enjoy in such matters. We focused our study principally on the injury rating system resulting from road accidents in the law 30/1995 of regulation and supervision of private insurance currently in force in the Spanish legal system. It highlights those aspects of the system that have been the subject of heated debate between Spain doctrine and jurisprudence, a debate which sheds light on the ostensible establishment of a common system of valuation scales of personal injuries in the European Union.
In this article, we discuss the difficulties that arise from attempts to establish legal tools in order to measure the severity of personal injuries. Those tools, which aim at rendering the valuation of such injuries more objective, limit the broad discretion that courts use to enjoy in such matters. We focused our study principally on the injury rating system resulting from road accidents in the law 30/1995 of regulation and supervision of private insurance currently in force in the Spanish legal system. It highlights those aspects of the system that have been the subject of heated debate between Spain doctrine and jurisprudence, a debate which sheds light on the ostensible establishment of a common system of valuation scales of personal injuries in the European Union.