Populismo en Chile: Las vías no tomadas y la incidencia de la cultura política del país
Populismo en Chile: Las vías no tomadas y la incidencia de la cultura política del país
Bravo Reyes, Nicolás
Datos de publicación:
Populismo - Institucionalismo - Chile - Cultura política
Dentro de Latinoamérica, se suele situar a Chile como un caso excepcional donde no han existido grandes líderes populistas. El siguiente trabajo
investiga por qué ocurre esta excepcionalidad indagando primero, a nivel histórico, eventuales liderazgos populistas como Carlos Ibáñez, para luego investigar la causa de por qué ninguno de estos líderes chilenos dejó un legado significativo
que influya en la política nacional actual, a diferencia de lo que sí ocurrió, por ejemplo, con el Peronismo en Argentina. Como respuesta se presenta un análisis de coyunturas críticas y "caminos no tomados" que dieron como resultado un país sin grandes liderazgos populistas, situación que se explicaría por la existencia de una cultura política caracterizada como “institucionalista” y que es hostil al populismo
In Latin America, it is customary to place Chile as an exceptional case where not important populist leaders really existed. The aim of this work is to dig into this exceptionality. First, by inquiring, in a historical level, the existence of eventual populist leaderships like Carlos Ibañez, for then scrutinize the historical roots of why nobody of these Chileans leaders reached a significant legacy in current national politics, unlike what happened for example, with Peronism in Argentina. As a plausible answer it will show an analysis of the critical junctures and explore the “non taken pathways” that produce as result a country without important populist leaderships. The main result of this work is that this situation is explained by the “institutionalist” Chilean political culture, hostile to populism emergence
In Latin America, it is customary to place Chile as an exceptional case where not important populist leaders really existed. The aim of this work is to dig into this exceptionality. First, by inquiring, in a historical level, the existence of eventual populist leaderships like Carlos Ibañez, for then scrutinize the historical roots of why nobody of these Chileans leaders reached a significant legacy in current national politics, unlike what happened for example, with Peronism in Argentina. As a plausible answer it will show an analysis of the critical junctures and explore the “non taken pathways” that produce as result a country without important populist leaderships. The main result of this work is that this situation is explained by the “institutionalist” Chilean political culture, hostile to populism emergence