La concepción política de la persona y las visiones constitutivas del bien
La concepción política de la persona y las visiones constitutivas del bien
Datos de publicación:
Rawls - Liberalismo - Comunitarismo
Este artículo se ocupa de analizar si la estrategia desplegada por Rawls, a partir de las Conferencias Dewey, le permite superar el carácter comprehensivo que algunos críticos le imputan a su concepción política de la persona. Para ello se describe primero dicha concepción, y luego se revisa la objeción que sostiene que es incompatible con las nociones del bien que le atribuyen carácter constitutivo a los vínculos y fines. Finalmente se concluye que, aunque la distinción entre liberalismo político y comprehensivo sea inestable, es compatible con las visiones constitutivas del bien.
This article analyzes whether the strategy displayed by Rawls starting with the Dewey Lectures makes it possible to overcome the comprehensive character that some critics attribute to his political conception of person. After describing said conception, the paper reviews the objection that it is incompatible with those conceptions of the good that attribute a constitutive character to attachments and ends. Finally, it is concluded that although the distinction between political and comprehensive liberalism is unstable, it is compatible with constitutive conceptions of the good.
This article analyzes whether the strategy displayed by Rawls starting with the Dewey Lectures makes it possible to overcome the comprehensive character that some critics attribute to his political conception of person. After describing said conception, the paper reviews the objection that it is incompatible with those conceptions of the good that attribute a constitutive character to attachments and ends. Finally, it is concluded that although the distinction between political and comprehensive liberalism is unstable, it is compatible with constitutive conceptions of the good.