Bases biológicas para el cultivo del puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842): una revisión
Bases biológicas para el cultivo del puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842): una revisión
Vega Aguayo, Rolando
Dantagnan Dantagnan, Patricio
Mardones Lazcano, Alfonso
Valdebenito Isler, Iván
Zamorano, José
Encina Montoya, Francisco
Dantagnan Dantagnan, Patricio
Mardones Lazcano, Alfonso
Valdebenito Isler, Iván
Zamorano, José
Encina Montoya, Francisco
Datos de publicación:
Galaxias maculatus - Puye - Acuicultura - cul
Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) es un pez gourmet de importancia comercial cuyas
pesquerías están sobre-explotadas, siendo esencial el estudio de su biología para desarrollar su tecnología de
cultivo (galaxicultura), que se encuentra en etapa piloto. Los objetivos de éste trabajo son: 1) entregar una
síntesis de la información de la literatura sobre la biología de la especie, y 2) identificar la carencia de
conocimiento científico y puntos críticos para el desarrollo de su tecnología de cultivo comercial. G.
maculatus es un pequeño pez carnívoro, con poblaciones eurihalinas diferenciadas en diadrómicas y
dulceacuícolas. Las poblaciones diadrómicas desovan en los estuarios y la larva migra al mar, retornando a la
edad de seis meses para metamorfosearse en adulto. Son escasos los estudios de su sistemática, poblaciones y
estado larvario en aguas chilenas, pero los correspondientes a alimentación, reproducción y enfermedades son
más numerosos. Las hembras de un año desovan, aproximadamente, 1.200 huevos adhesivos pero un número
importante muere después del primer desove (40%). La especie tiene un crecimiento rápido (1,1% dia-1) y alto
metabolismo, con un promedio de vida de dos años. Se puede cultivar en cautividad, desovar, incubar sus
huevos y obtener larvas; los adultos comen starter pelletizado de salmón y crecen en estanques. El protozoo
ciliado Ichtyophthirius multifilis (ich) produce altas mortalidades, en ejemplares en cautiverio, que pueden ser
controladas con baños de sal. Los problemas de investigación a resolver para una futura piscicultura comercial
son: identificar y seleccionar las poblaciones adecuadas para cultivo, aumentar el número de huevos
desovados por hembra, desarrollar alimentos para larvas y reproductores, y controlar las enfermedades
ectoparasitarias. El punto crítico es la masificación de la producción mediante el mejoramiento de las técnicas
de reproducción y larvicultura.
Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842), is a gourmet fish of great commercial importance with overexploited fisheries. So, studies of its biology are essential in order to develop a technology for its cultivation (galaxiculture), which is at a pilot stage. The goals of this work are: 1) to provide a synthesis of the literature information on the biology of the species, and 2) to identify the lack of scientific knowledge and critical points for the development of a technology for mass commercial culture. G. maculatus is a small carnivorous fish with euryhaline populations differentiated between diadromic and freshwater. Diadromic populations spawn in the estuaries, and then the larvae migrates to the sea, returning aged 6 months and metamorphosing into adults. Studies of their systematic, populations and larvae stage in Chilean waters are scarce, but studies on feeding, reproduction and diseases are more numerous. One year old females lay about 1,200 adhesive eggs and an important number of them die after the first spawning (40%). G. maculatus has rapid growth (1.1% day-1) and a high metabolism, with an average life of 2 years. They can be cultivated in captivity, spawn and incubate their eggs to obtain larvae; adults eat salmon starter pellets and grow in tanks. The ciliate protozoa Ichtyophthirius multifilis (ich) produces high mortality in larvae and adults in confinement; mortality can be controlled with salt bath. The problems to be solved by research for future commercial fish farming are: recognising and selecting suitable populations for cultivation; increasing the number of eggs spawned by females; develop suitable diets for larvae and broodstock; and controlling ectoparasitic diseases. The critical point is achieving mass production by improving the techniques of reproduction and larviculture.
Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842), is a gourmet fish of great commercial importance with overexploited fisheries. So, studies of its biology are essential in order to develop a technology for its cultivation (galaxiculture), which is at a pilot stage. The goals of this work are: 1) to provide a synthesis of the literature information on the biology of the species, and 2) to identify the lack of scientific knowledge and critical points for the development of a technology for mass commercial culture. G. maculatus is a small carnivorous fish with euryhaline populations differentiated between diadromic and freshwater. Diadromic populations spawn in the estuaries, and then the larvae migrates to the sea, returning aged 6 months and metamorphosing into adults. Studies of their systematic, populations and larvae stage in Chilean waters are scarce, but studies on feeding, reproduction and diseases are more numerous. One year old females lay about 1,200 adhesive eggs and an important number of them die after the first spawning (40%). G. maculatus has rapid growth (1.1% day-1) and a high metabolism, with an average life of 2 years. They can be cultivated in captivity, spawn and incubate their eggs to obtain larvae; adults eat salmon starter pellets and grow in tanks. The ciliate protozoa Ichtyophthirius multifilis (ich) produces high mortality in larvae and adults in confinement; mortality can be controlled with salt bath. The problems to be solved by research for future commercial fish farming are: recognising and selecting suitable populations for cultivation; increasing the number of eggs spawned by females; develop suitable diets for larvae and broodstock; and controlling ectoparasitic diseases. The critical point is achieving mass production by improving the techniques of reproduction and larviculture.