Rol del agente y estructuras de rendición de cuentas en programas sociales mexicanos. El caso del programa 3x1 en Zacatecas
Rol del agente y estructuras de rendición de cuentas en programas sociales mexicanos. El caso del programa 3x1 en Zacatecas
González Hernández, José
González Hernández, Guadalupe
González Hernández, Guadalupe
Datos de publicación:
Rendición de cuentas públicas - Control social - Agente de rendición de cuentas - Sujeto social - Organizaciones de migrantes
Se revisaron algunos de los cambios en la estructura actual de las instituciones estatales de rendición de cuentas impulsados por las organizaciones de migrantes zacatecanos en Estados Unidos de América con el objetivo de clarificar sus efectos en las capacidades de control social dentro del Programa 3x1 en sus dimensiones de transparencia, sancionabilidad y responsividad durante el periodo 1998-2011. Aun cuando las Federaciones de migrantes zacatecanos han modificado de forma importante el Sistema de Rendición de Cuentas del Programa 3x1, estos cambios son diferenciados: la transparencia ha aumentado sustancialmente, la responsividad en menor medida y la sancionabilidad muy poco o nada. Las modificaciones en la estructura administrativa del órgano interno de control estatal y la operación del comité de validación y atención al migrante son las aportaciones de mayor trascendencia. Las organizaciones de migrantes de origen zacatecano al constituirse como sujeto social han sido capaces de establecer un sistema de rendición de cuentas mucho más funcional y efectivo que cualquier otro existente en programas equivalentes en territorio zacatecano. Y apoyan los argumentos a favor de la promoción de la participación social organizada en el control de las acciones del Estado.
We review some of the changes in the current structure of governmental institutions of accountability driven by the migrant organizations (Home Town Associations) from Zacatecas in USAclarifying their effects on social control capabilities within the 3x1 Program dimensions: transparency, punishability and responsiveness during the period 1998-2011. It was established that even through the migrants´ federations have changed significantly the Accountability Systemof the 3x1 Program, these changes are quite differentiated. The transparency increased substantially, while responsiveness did so in lesser extent, and punishability demonstrated no change. The changes in the administrative structure of internal control of the Zacatecas State and the operation of the Committee for Validation and Service to the Migrant are the most significant contributions. Once the migrant organizations became social subjects they were able to establish an accountability system more functional and effective than other similar programsexisting in Zacatecas territory. Also, they support the arguments in favor of promoting organized social participation in controlling the actions of the State.
We review some of the changes in the current structure of governmental institutions of accountability driven by the migrant organizations (Home Town Associations) from Zacatecas in USAclarifying their effects on social control capabilities within the 3x1 Program dimensions: transparency, punishability and responsiveness during the period 1998-2011. It was established that even through the migrants´ federations have changed significantly the Accountability Systemof the 3x1 Program, these changes are quite differentiated. The transparency increased substantially, while responsiveness did so in lesser extent, and punishability demonstrated no change. The changes in the administrative structure of internal control of the Zacatecas State and the operation of the Committee for Validation and Service to the Migrant are the most significant contributions. Once the migrant organizations became social subjects they were able to establish an accountability system more functional and effective than other similar programsexisting in Zacatecas territory. Also, they support the arguments in favor of promoting organized social participation in controlling the actions of the State.